The Promised Holy Spirit
We begin a new sermon series we're calling "Cultivate". I'm excited for this and believe it to be timely with regard to what God has in store for us this year! The series will start by ascending to 10,000 feet for 8 weeks in order to grab a big picture, bird's eye view of Acts 1-16. During these weeks we'll contemplate a number of essential elements of any true church that seeks to lean forward for the advance of Christ's glory and gospel. In addition, we'll see how the gospel made its way to a place called Phillipi where some people believed and formed an early church there. From there, we will then descend to take a more thorough, verse-by-verse look at the book of Philippians - the letter Paul wrote back to this church years later. In doing so, we'll see gospel Cultivation on multiple fronts and, I trust, will find great value and insight for our lives today.
So, we'll look at the beginning of the book of Acts. If you'd like, I think it would benefit you to read Acts 1 and 2 ahead of our time together. This is one of the most pivotal sections of the bible and includes one of the more pertinent instructions for us. May God cultivate us through His Word and use us to cultivate gospel growth outside our walls!