A Surprising Win-Win

May 14, 2023    Pastor Dustin Rogers

As we have begun to engage the book of Philippians, we have already seen that true Christian joy transcends our circumstances. This reality jumps off the page as we envision Paul writing from a prison cell, and yet communicating with exclamations of rejoicing. What an example! Yet, as we will see in Philippians 1:18-26, Paul's joy is anchored in substance. It's anchored in a robust hope. To be clear, Paul's example of joy is not one of eternal optimism. He doesn't reluctantly try to put a smile on his face and "be happy" because he knows that this is what Christians are supposed to do. Get this, his joy is not even merely a reflection of his trust in the sovereign plan of God. No, Paul will tell us that his joy transcends his adverse circumstances because of his confidence in a number of things that he lays out in the text. And friends, these same aspects of hope are available to you.

Friends, our text will proclaim that you can know a profound joy that transcends all circumstances. Isn't that a phenomenal truth?!

Much Love to You,

pastor dustin